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Enhancing Elder Care: Unlock Memories and Foster Social Interaction

My Stories Matter is designed by seniors for seniors at all stages of aging to help them reminisce, preserve, and share their life stories.

Bridge the Memory Gap™️My Stories Matter includes numerous memory aids designed to help seniors close the Memory Gap™️, including:
Over 1,000 curated and categorized Prompts (to spark memories)
Over 4000 historical-cultural Cues (playable songs, movies, books, etc.)
Collaboration (co-create shared memories)
Timeline (digital memory lane)
MindPops (capture memory flashes)
Simple and Easy to Use for AllMy Stories Matter provides a range of usage options, ensuring inclusivity for all residents. Whether your residents do not use technology, have verbal or writing limitations, or are non-native speakers, our solution is designed with everyone in mind.
Concierge Service
Writing Helper
Concierge Life Stories Book Writing ServiceFor all seniors, with a focus on those unable to use technology or who prefer the interview format, as well as individuals in hospice.
Concierge Life Stories Book Writing ServiceFor all seniors, with a focus on those unable to use technology or who prefer the interview format, as well as individuals in hospice.

We handle everything; conducting a series of interviews with the individual, which our ghostwriter then transforms into a beautiful legacy book brimming with life stories and wisdom for their loved ones to cherish.

No matter how your residents choose to engage with My Stories Matter, we offer Photo restoration and enhancement services to bring their old, damaged, or faded photos back to life.

Multiple Benefits to Stand Out From the Competition

When you partner with us, your facility gains access to a comprehensive package of resources, activities, and support to enrich the lives of your residents while equipping your staff with the insights they need to foster strong relationships and provide personalized care.

Provide Cognitive Stimulation

Our age-friendly features include thousands of curated Prompts and historical-cultural Cues (such as playable songs) to spark memories. By helping seniors recollect their life stories we actively reinforce those precious memories.

Built on research into aging, memory, and cognitive science, My Stories Matter is expressly designed to close the Memory Gap™ - the increasing divide between the memories we accumulate over time and our ability to recall them.

Boost Social Engagement

Our platform empowers residents to share their life stories, sparking conversations and connections during group storytelling activities.

My Stories Matter’s memory aids are a rich resource for use in activities, creating conversation starters and fostering bonding over shared life experiences, leading to more social engagement, enhanced emotional well-being, and a stronger sense of community.

Enrich Personalized Care

Your staff will benefit from our Autobiography Packages, which provide valuable insights to build stronger relationships with residents and enable more tailored care. This elevated level of service translates to improved outcomes and increased satisfaction among residents and their families.

Enhance Emotional Well-Being

My Stories Matter helps seniors reminisce about their life stories, evoking positive emotions and enhancing their well-being. We assist them in reflecting on their accomplishments and cherished moments, thereby strengthening their sense of self-identity and self-worth.

Give Purpose to Your Residents

My Stories Matter helps residents find purpose by recording their life stories and wisdom as a lasting legacy for their families. Engaging in meaningful and enjoyable activities such as reminiscing and contributing to collaborative storytelling helps residents feel a renewed sense of importance and connection with their community.

Increase Family Involvement

Our unique Collaboration feature enables family land friends) to co-create memories about shared experiences, fostering engagement despite distances. Our solution incorporates familiar social media features, such as Likes and Comments, to encourage social engagement and strengthen bonds between family members and their loved one.

Resources for Your Facility

Resident Autobiographies

Activity Guides

Celebration of Life Packages

Training Materials

Discover whatcan do for your facility and your residents today!
Backed by Science

Older people have different needs. They value emotional goals over other goals…And, older adults use positive memories to help regulate their emotional state.

- M. Mather (USC) & L. Carstensen (Stanford University)

By encouraging residents to talk about their past, you can improve their self-esteem and help them achieve a sense of fulfillment.

- S. Klever (R.N.), Reminisce Therapy: Finding Meaning in Memories

Knowing one’s family history makes individuals stronger and more resilient, and enhances emotional well-being.

- Professor M. Duke (Emory University)
What seniors are saying
I love to write because I find it therapeutic but I’d like to go deeper into my memories…one day I’d love to write a book about my life but keep putting it off.
I love sharing memories on it.
It’s a beautiful platform and I’m very excited to record all of my thoughts and memories on it.
Thank you for creating this site. Everything about it is based on powerful principles.
I can hardly wait to add more memories. It’s a fun application!
I would like to think that my stories matter too.
Can’t wait to start recording my memories!!!